Sunday, March 24, 2019

Align Risk and ROI analysis with success

Risk and return on investment (ROI) are usually evaluated separately. Yet, they share striking similarities.

Both need an internal (strengths and weakness) as well as external (opportunities and threats) analysis. This is also known as SWOT Analysis. They both analyze the two directions in which any effort can go, risk measures possible monetary loss while ROI measures possible monetary value. But what is at the core of risk analysis and ROI analysis? Impact and Likelihood.

Businesses, organizations and individuals are required to be productive for which they need to be effective and efficient. To be effective they need to have an impact. What they do, must return as high as possible monetary value with as low as possible chances of monetary loss in the lifespan of the delivery. To be efficient they need to be predictable exhibiting the highest possible success likelihood. How they do it, must use the leanest, fastest and highest quality possible approach (the lowest possible entropy solution).

Understanding this simple fact is one thing but learning it is another.

Since businesses are ultimately led by managers, success comes 100% of the time down to the individual. Hiring full stack leaders is at the core of low risk and high ROI results.

As a professional, you the reader, will not have more value just because of your success likelihood based on your skills but also because of the impact your decisions will end up having. In other words, it is not enough to be efficient, you must also be effective. I see too many people focusing on efficiencies but few people out of them are actually focusing on effectiveness for whatever reason. This most likely is the result of a simple fact: common sense is rare.

If I could give a sentence of advise that would be "Align productively towards the definition of success". I have tried to explain what to do and how to achieve this objective above.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Full Stack Leadership brings Competitive Advantage

All these keywords/key-phrases/hashtags apply to the organization as a whole. They apply to deliverables and quality. To deliver maximum return on investment cost must go down and/or value must go up. Focus on keeping the pace rather than in resource utilization and the result will be a constant delivery of value.

Whether your business depends on an e-commerce website or sending men to the space these concepts still apply. Process engineering is not a pure science discipline, it is also an art. While these hashtags are as old as human thinking what is novel here is the value proposition to embrace them company wide, to have them as the driver of the organization strategy. Unfortunately we are too much focused working in the business instead of on the business. The collective application of these ideas lead to Innovation which is always a result of Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.

The main problem we consistently face is that the people doing it are not the ones thinking it. Leaders should be thinkers and doers, both. Organizations that train their leaders to be full stack will exhibit competitive advantage and such advantage is indeed sustainable depending on how innovative the leaders' interconnections are.

Want to copy and paste?
#LessIsMore #EightyTwenty #KeepItSimple #ParetoPrinciple #TheoryOfConstraints #LawOfDiminishingReturns #SimpleAsPossibleButNotSimpler #MeasureTheRightThing #PerfectIsTheEnemyOfGood #GetItDone #BeEffectiveAndEfficient #GoldenMean #ExcessIsRecklessness #MIddeIsCourage #DefficiencyIsCowardice #DoTheRightThing #ContinuousImprovement #EvolutionNotRevolution #CommonSenseIsRare #Innovation #Collaboration #Communication #CriticalThinking #Creativity #WorkOnTheBusiness #TheWholeIsGreaterThanSumOfItsParts #BestPracticeIsTheEnemyOfCommonSense #BusinessStrategy #BusinessAlignment #BeThinkerAndDoer #DreamLeadershipNotManagement #DefineSuccess #BeFitForSuccess #FullStackLeadership
Have more? I am sure you do, that is what comments are for ;-)

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Panelist notes from the South Florida Executive Roundtable Technology Leaders forum

This is a slideshow containing my Panelist notes from the South Florida Executive Roundtable Technology Leaders forum, 2019. It was a pleasure to share my thoughts and listen to the thoughts of other tech leaders in the area.

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Secure Translations - Business Email Compromise (BEC)

This subject is sticky for two months for a very good reason. Training is mission critical, mastery is a must and Paranoia is the only effective defense. Trust but verify! Untrained Employees are the biggest security risk for the modern enterprise.

Just Google "business email compromise real case studies" to understand the raise of successful Business Email Compromise (BEC) scams and why proper employee training and auditing for such training pays off big time.

With so many language service providers (LSP) you should look for the ones that have invested smart (and not just hard) into security. Without smart employee training language service providers cannot deliver secure translations. Globalization demands translations but if they are not secure then you better stay local.

You can follow the "Secure Language Translations" series in this blog, on linkedIn or Twitter. My objective is to educate executives and managers but also to help engineers in reducing the organization risk through sound security measures.
