Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Remove server header in IIS to stop disclosing running version(s)

Set attribute removeServerHeader="true" in web.config node configuration."system.webServer".security.requestFiltering.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

When the clock on MAC OSX goes off

To sync your macOS clock and prevent it from drifting after sleep cycles, follow these steps:

- Run this command to sync time:
sudo sntp -sS time.apple.com
- Go to System Settings > Date & Time and turn off "Set time and date automatically."

- Remove the current time settings:
sudo rm /var/db/timed/com.apple.timed.plist
- Reboot the Mac.

- After reboot, turn on "Set time and date automatically" in System Settings > Date & Time. This should ensure your clock remains accurate.

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Minimal kubernetes pods log shipping with fluent-bit

I just released how to ship kubernetes cluster pod logs to Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) using fluent-bit. Platform engineers should do their best to keep cloud independence. This setup will work for Azure AKS, Google GKE and Amazon EKS. The choice for S3 is just a pick and not a preference. Google Cloud Storage (GCS) or Azure Blob Storage (ABS) will do the job as well (just check fluent-bit docs and adapt the code below for your choice).

Monday, February 19, 2024

My .vimrc for google (and amazon) cloud shell

Will keep here what I am using in google (and amazon) cloud shells.
" keep all defaults
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim
" disable visual mode when using mouse
set mouse=c
" keep all defaults
source $VIMRUNTIME/defaults.vim
" disable visual mode when using mouse
set mouse=c
" paste as copied
set paste
" indentation
set tabstop=2        " Set the width of a tab character to 2 spaces
set shiftwidth=2     " Set the number of spaces to use for each step of (auto)indent
set expandtab        " Convert tabs to spaces
set softtabstop=2    " Set the number of spaces a Tab counts for while performing editing operations, like inserting a Tab or using BS
set smartindent      " Enable smart indenting for new lines

Sharing code without using git

Sometimes you do not want to commit to git for security reasons and yet you want to test your code somewhere else.
Run the below from your local copy of the git repository:
rsync -av --exclude-from='.gitignore' --exclude='.git' . ~/Downloads/my-repo-copy
cd ~/Downloads/my-repo-copy
zip -r ~/Downloads/my-repo-copy.zip ./
Copy the content to the remote location and run the below:
mkdir my-repo
mv my-repo-copy.zip my-repo/
cd my-repo
unzip my-repo-copy.zip
rm my-repo-copy.zip
