Saturday, March 16, 2019

Full Stack Leadership brings Competitive Advantage

All these keywords/key-phrases/hashtags apply to the organization as a whole. They apply to deliverables and quality. To deliver maximum return on investment cost must go down and/or value must go up. Focus on keeping the pace rather than in resource utilization and the result will be a constant delivery of value.

Whether your business depends on an e-commerce website or sending men to the space these concepts still apply. Process engineering is not a pure science discipline, it is also an art. While these hashtags are as old as human thinking what is novel here is the value proposition to embrace them company wide, to have them as the driver of the organization strategy. Unfortunately we are too much focused working in the business instead of on the business. The collective application of these ideas lead to Innovation which is always a result of Collaboration, Communication, Critical Thinking, and Creativity.

The main problem we consistently face is that the people doing it are not the ones thinking it. Leaders should be thinkers and doers, both. Organizations that train their leaders to be full stack will exhibit competitive advantage and such advantage is indeed sustainable depending on how innovative the leaders' interconnections are.

Want to copy and paste?
#LessIsMore #EightyTwenty #KeepItSimple #ParetoPrinciple #TheoryOfConstraints #LawOfDiminishingReturns #SimpleAsPossibleButNotSimpler #MeasureTheRightThing #PerfectIsTheEnemyOfGood #GetItDone #BeEffectiveAndEfficient #GoldenMean #ExcessIsRecklessness #MIddeIsCourage #DefficiencyIsCowardice #DoTheRightThing #ContinuousImprovement #EvolutionNotRevolution #CommonSenseIsRare #Innovation #Collaboration #Communication #CriticalThinking #Creativity #WorkOnTheBusiness #TheWholeIsGreaterThanSumOfItsParts #BestPracticeIsTheEnemyOfCommonSense #BusinessStrategy #BusinessAlignment #BeThinkerAndDoer #DreamLeadershipNotManagement #DefineSuccess #BeFitForSuccess #FullStackLeadership
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