Friday, December 05, 2014

On risk management: Do you practice Continuous Web Application Security?

Do you practice Continuous Web Application Security? Continuously delivering software should include security. Just like with backup-restore tests this is a a very important topic, usually overlooked.

Here is an affordable practical proposal for continuous web application security:
  1. Have a Ubuntu Desktop (I personally like to see what is going on when it comes to the UI related testing) with your end to end (E2E) platform of choice running on it.
  2. From your continous integration (CI) of choice hit (remotely) a local runner that triggers your automated E2E test suite against your application URL. I strongly believe that E2E concerns belong to whoever is in charge of developing the UX/UI.
  3. E2E tests should open your browse of preference and you should be able to *see* what is going on in the browser.
  4. A proxy based passive scanner like zaproxy should be installed. Below is how to install it from sources:
    TODAY=`date +%Y-%m-%d`
    git clone
    cd zaproxy/
    ./gradlew :zap:distDaily
    cd zap/build/distributions/
    unzip ZAP_D-${TODAY}.zip
    cd ZAP_D-${TODAY}/
    ## Manual steps
    # Start the GUI to install all addons
    # ./ -addoninstallall -addonupdate
    # Close the GUI and remove the HUD addon because otherwise it will interfere with tests
    # ./ -addonuninstall hud
    # Close the GUI and run the below to finally run zaproxy on port 8081:
    # ./ -config connection.timeoutInSecs=3000 -config proxy.port=8081
    # Go to zaproxy menu export the Root CA certificate using "Tools | Options | Dynamic SSL Certificates | Save"
    # To use the proxy in chrome use the below:
    # google-chrome --proxy-server="http://localhost:8081"
    # Go to chrome settings search for "certificate", click "Mamage Certificates | Authorities | Import | All Files"; select the exported cer file and select "trust his certificate for identifying websites"
    # To not use the proxy in chrome use the below:
    # google-chrome --no-proxy-server
  5. If you want to start the proxy with a user interface so you can look into the history of found vulnerabilities through a nice UI and assuming you installed it from the recipe then run it as '/opt/zap/' or if you get issues with your display like it happened to me while using xrdp with 'ssh -X localhost /opt/zap/'.
  6. In order to proxy all requests from chrome we need to follow the below steps.
    • From zap proxy menu export the Root CA certificate using "Tools | Options | Dynamic SSL Certificates | Save"
    • From Chrome settings search for "certificate", click "Manage Certificates | Authorities | Import | All Files"; select the exported cer file and select "trust his certificate for identifying websites"
    • Your E2E runner must be started after you run the below commands because the browser should be started after these commands in order to use the proxy.
      export http_proxy=localhost:8080
      export https_proxy=localhost:8080
    • To stop the proxy and resume E2E without it, we just need to reset the two variables and restart the E2E runner.

    LEGACY 12.04: For the proxy to get the traffic from chrome you need to configure the ubuntu system proxy with the commands below. All traffic will now go through the zaproxy. If you want to turn the proxy off just run the first command. To turn it on run just the second but run them all if you are unsure about the current configuration. This is a machine where you just run automated tests so it is expected that you run no browser manually there BTW and that is the reason I forward all the http traffic through the proxy:
    gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'none'
    gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy mode 'manual'
    gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.http port 8080
    gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.http host
    gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.https port 8080
    gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy.https host
    gsettings set org.gnome.system.proxy ignore-hosts "['']"
  7. Every time your tests run you will be collecting data about possible vulnerabilities
  8. You could go further now and inspect the zaproxy results via the REST API consuming JSON or XML in your CI pipeline in fact stopping whole deployments from happening. You can take a less radical approach and get the information in plain HTML. Below for example we extract all the alerts in HTML obtained while passively browsing It is assumed that you have run '/opt/zap/ -daemon' which allows to access from http:/zap base URL the REST API:
    # use JSON(default), XML or HTM
  9. If you want to access this API from outside the box you will need to run '/opt/zap/ -daemon -host -p 8081' however keep in mind the poor security available for this api.
  10. Do not forget to restart the proxy after vulnerabilities are fixed or stop and start it automatically before the tests are run so you effectively collect the latest vulnerabilities only
  11. Your CI might have a plugin for active scanning (See or not. Starting an active scanning automatically should be easy.
Warning: Make sure you never use the environment we have described here to go through sites that are not those you are testing. Remember that you have added the OWASP root certificate to your browser which means other people having the same certificate could do a number of nasty things with a user working behind this browser setup.

Congratulations. You have just added continuous web application security to your SDLC.

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