Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Share your Google Drawing via SVG with plain HTML

SVG has been there for a while and if you don't care about unsupported old and most likely vulnerable browsers then you should be fine just downloading as SVG your Google Drawings hosted in Google Drive and then pasting the content of them (plain XML) inside any web page like for example your wiki. You can use the SVG as external image or inline (as I show below).

It will not be difficult to get your Google Drawings and build presentations out of them. And yes presentations which lose no quality in bigger screens and which resize nicely depending on the existing canvas.


In the case of Mediawiki you need the below in LocalSettings.php to be able to use html directly in pages:
$wgRawHtml = true;
Now you can include any html code like the <svg> tag inside a literal <html> tag like in:
<html><?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>

<svg version="1.1" viewBox="0.0 0.0 960.0 720.0" fill="none" stroke="none" stroke-linecap="square" stroke-miterlimit="10" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink=""><clipPath id="p.0"><path d="m0 0l960.0 0l0 720.0l-960.0 0l0 -720.0z" clip-rule="nonzero"></path></clipPath><g clip-path="url(#p.0)"><path fill="#000000" fill-opacity="0.0" d="m0 0l960.0 0l0 720.0l-960.0 0z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#cfe2f3" d="m165.11215 69.882095l0 0c-1.0062714 -7.7441444 2.2975006 -15.410381 8.509399 -19.74564c6.211899 -4.3352585 14.242477 -4.5792274 20.684082 -0.62838364l0 0c2.2818146 -4.5027695 6.458191 -7.611622 11.265884 -8.3861885c4.807678 -0.77456665 9.681976 0.87612915 13.148499 4.4527817l0 0c1.9438171 -4.0825005 5.7605133 -6.8254166 10.095764 -7.2554245c4.3352356 -0.43000793 8.575455 1.5137558 11.216019 5.1415367l0 0c3.5117798 -4.3274384 9.099106 -6.1494713 14.344315 -4.6776924c5.245224 1.4717789 9.206223 5.9730225 10.169052 11.556019l0 0c4.3025208 1.2290115 7.886444 4.353321 9.825775 8.565704c1.939331 4.212387 2.0438538 9.099625 0.28652954 13.399002l0 0c4.236725 5.774544 5.2278137 13.469048 2.6033936 20.212059c-2.6244507 6.743019 -8.470093 11.521484 -15.355469 12.552162c-0.04852295 6.3285675 -3.3627625 12.135574 -8.665298 15.182762c-5.3025208 3.0471878 -11.76532 2.8587189 -16.897324 -0.4927597c-2.1859589 7.579544 -8.338715 13.156502 -15.800034 14.321419c-7.461334 1.164917 -14.893646 -2.291031 -19.085907 -8.8747635c-5.1388397 3.24514 -11.305008 4.17997 -17.10756 2.5935898c-5.8025513 -1.5863724 -10.752701 -5.560318 -13.733795 -11.025391l0 0c-5.251251 0.6435318 -10.328476 -2.2056427 -12.711884 -7.133484c-2.3833923 -4.927841 -1.5655975 -10.885323 2.0475159 -14.915779l0 0c-4.68425 -2.8872223 -7.0744324 -8.616432 -5.924164 -14.200073c1.1502686 -5.583641 5.5803223 -9.756432 10.980072 -10.34243z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path stroke="#000000" stroke-width="2.0" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-linecap="butt" d="m165.11215 69.882095l0 0c-1.0062714 -7.7441444 2.2975006 -15.410381 8.509399 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2.5935898c-5.8025513 -1.5863724 -10.752701 -5.560318 -13.733795 -11.025391l0 0c-5.251251 0.6435318 -10.328476 -2.2056427 -12.711884 -7.133484c-2.3833923 -4.927841 -1.5655975 -10.885323 2.0475159 -14.915779l0 0c-4.68425 -2.8872223 -7.0744324 -8.616432 -5.924164 -14.200073c1.1502686 -5.583641 5.5803223 -9.756432 10.980072 -10.34243z" fill-rule="nonzero"></path><path fill="#000000" fill-opacity="0.0" d="m159.95244 94.723076l0 0c2.2105103 1.3624878 4.7641754 1.980545 7.3181 1.7711868m3.345108 20.278572c1.0982971 -0.13459778 2.17482 -0.41960907 3.201828 -0.847702m27.638 9.279144c-0.77246094 -1.2131119 -1.4192047 -2.50943 -1.9292145 -3.866867m36.816498 -1.5800171l0 0c0.39852905 -1.3818665 0.6567383 -2.8041 0.77033997 -4.242981m24.79132 -10.446487c0.05166626 -6.737732 -3.6026306 -12.90686 -9.39328 -15.857582m22.145233 -16.90593c-0.93777466 2.2943268 -2.3694153 4.32959 -4.182617 5.946213m-5.9288025 -27.911522l0 0c0.15975952 0.9265022 0.23373413 1.8669281 0.2208252 2.8082428m-24.733795 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0.23373413 1.8669281 0.2208252 2.8082428m-24.733795 -9.686291l0 0c-0.87602234 1.079483 -1.5977478 2.2857895 -2.1427002 3.5813599m-19.169281 -1.4679413l0 0c-0.46684265 0.980484 -0.81544495 2.0180054 -1.037796 3.0886612m-23.376953 0.84482574l0 0c1.3630524 0.8359947 2.6240387 1.842205 3.7552948 2.9965286m-32.948395 17.377605l0 0c0.13868713 1.0673447 0.3578186 2.1215286 0.655365 3.1526947" fill-rule="nonzero"></path></g></svg></html>


Here is a Cloud SVG from Google Drawing which has been included using the inline svg tag above:

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