Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Patching Liferay

If you even find a bug with Liferay as I recently did you might want to go ahead and patch yourself Liferay before actually the team comes with a new release.

1. Run the below from the root liferay source folder directory
ant clean start build-ext

2. After you do that you can build individual jars. In my case portal-impl.jar contains a buggy class in version 5.2.3. After I fixed the problem I just run the below from the portal-impl folder:
ant deploy

3. Stop the application server.

4. Copy the jar to liferay application WEB-INF/lib replacing that way the original file in there, for example:
cp portal-impl.jar ~/glassfishv3/glassfish/domains/liferay-domain/applications/liferay-portal-5.2.3/WEB-INF/lib/

5. Start the application Server.

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