Thursday, December 19, 2024

Uninstalling python from windows where no uninstaller can be found

1. Find out the exact version installed for the package you want to remove. In this case 3.12:
PS > py --list
 -V:3.13 *        Python 3.13 (64-bit)
 -V:3.12          Python 3.12 (64-bit)
PS > py -3.12 --version
Python 3.12.0
2. Find out where the executable is for that version, in this case it is in C:\Program Files\Python312\python.exe:
PS > py -3.12 -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"
C:\Program Files\Python312\python.exe
3. Delete the root folder containing the executable to remove that python version:
PS > Remove-Item -Path "C:\Program Files\Python312" -Recurse -Force
4. Remove registry entries for that installation (you should find 3.12 as an entry in our case in one or the two places below):
5. Confirm the only version installed is the one you expect. In our case we expect only 3.13:
PS > py --list
 -V:3.13 *        Python 3.13 (64-bit)

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

Remove server header in IIS to stop disclosing running version(s)

Set attribute removeServerHeader="true" in web.config node configuration."system.webServer".security.requestFiltering.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

When the clock on MAC OSX goes off

To sync your macOS clock and prevent it from drifting after sleep cycles, follow these steps:

- Run this command to sync time:
sudo sntp -sS
- Go to System Settings > Date & Time and turn off "Set time and date automatically."

- Remove the current time settings:
sudo rm /var/db/timed/
- Reboot the Mac.

- After reboot, turn on "Set time and date automatically" in System Settings > Date & Time. This should ensure your clock remains accurate.
